Thursday, May 23, 2019

Assignment. Sustainable Tourism Essay

Marking Criteria1. Relevance and appropriateness of title & Addressing posed assessment topic/task 2. Sound, logical, clearly developed and well supported argument3. Clear essay structure (intro, body, conclusion paragraph structure) & Adherence to good academic writing practice (presentation, grammar, clarity of expression) 4. Depth and breadth of research & Analysis, evaluation and integration of research 5. Referencing (minimum of 8 academic abduces in-text citations and quoting consistency of referencing style construction of reference list)Choose one (1) of six topicsSustainable tourism and 1. mode deviate 2. protected argonas 3. indigence alleviation 4. mining 5. ecotourism 6. , cross-cultural understanding & peace pro fleck 1 ST & climate changeMany authors argue that tourism is a major contributor to climate change, curiously through its travel/transport component. As the consequences of climate change are starting to influence g everywherenment policies (e.g. carbon t ax) and consumer behaviour (i.e. through increased consumer awareness), explore the future of tourism and how it may change (or not) over the next 20 years. Draw on examples from government policy, travel behaviour data, climate change studies and/or tourism and sustainability debates to support your case. study 1 support materials Unit topic 6 materials Unit topic 3 reading What if governments banned tourism? Sustainable Tourism CRC storeys http// CSIRO resources http// hangs/Climate/Understanding.aspx Can ST include flying? Watch the debate http// ABC TV series on climate change http// News report on some impacts http// Official government website on Carbon Tax http// 2 ST & protected areasAbout 10-15 percent of the earths surface is in designated protected areas, with the primary focus on biodiversity conservation. However, despite protection, the loss of biodiversity is still accelerating within and beyond the boundaries of protected areas (Bushell & Eagles 2007, p. 1). Nelson Mandela, in his opening savoir-faire at the 5th World Parks Congress inDurban argued that It is only through alliances and partnerships that Protected Areas can be made relevant to the needs of society. In this context, critically review tourisms contribution to biodiversity conservation and explore opportunities for alliances between protected areas and tourism to foster relevance of protected areas to local communities and the broader society. procedure examples from around the world to illustrate your argument.Topic 2 support materials Materials from Unit topic 7 World database on protected areas Tourism and Protected Areas Benefits beyond Boundaries / Paul F. J. Eagles, Roby n Bushell WallingfordCAB International, 2007 http// ier&BookID=342 Arguments for Protected Areas Multiple Benefits for Conservation and Use. You can access the book using this link http// friend/FullRecord.aspx?p=517175 Tourism potentials for financing protected areas Annals of Tourism Research, 2000, Vol.27(3), pp.590-610 http// Protected areas, poverty and conflictsA accompaniment case study of Mikumi National Park, Tanzania A livelihood case study of Mikumi National Park, Tanzania. Forest Policy and Economics, 2012, Vol.21, pp.2031 http// Topic 3 ST & poverty alleviationDiscuss the role of tourism in reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Critically shew models such as pro-poor tourism or volunteer tourism and draw on international examples and case studies in your argument.Topic 3 support materials http// http// Make Poverty History http// Micah Challenge & MilleniumDevelopment Goals http// UN website on MDGs http// http// Global Poverty Project http// & http// 4 ST & miningWith the rapid expansion of natural resource extraction industries such as mining and oil and attack operations in Australia, they are increasingly encroaching on areas used for nature-based tourism. For example, the expansion of Gladstone Port in Queensland is threatening the integrity of the Great Barrier Reef and mining and gas projects along the Kimberley Coast in Western Australia are likely to negatively affect the current tourism experience in this area. Similarly, the continuation o f old-growth logging in Tasmania may reduce opportunities for nonextractive economic opportunities such as ecotourism. In a political and economic environment where governments currently see themselves as highly hooked on the short term revenues from natural resource extraction industries, the needs of the tourism industry may be seen as secondary. Explore avenues for tourism to prove its voice and image as a more sustainable alternative and to ensure that the strategic needs of the tourism industry are recognised and world considered in the political arena.Topic 4 support materials Great Barrier Reef http// Kimberley http// & the report http// 5 EcotourismOver the last two decades, ecotourism has come under some scrutiny and has been subject to criticisms. Explore the concept of ecotourism (1) as defined in t heory and (2) as applied in practice and blueprint (3) what you consider ecotourism to be. Through research, clearly identify key arguments by experts and practitioners who are pro ecotourism and arguments by experts and practitioners who are against ecotourism and support their positionswith examples and references. Reflect on your personal position and critically examine the pro and con views against your position.Topic 5 support materials Journal of Ecotourism http// Journal of Sustainable Tourism http// Unit topic 3 & 8 in particular & unit materials throughoutTopic 6 ST & cross-cultural undersandingThe social and cultural dimensions of tourism sustainability have gained increasing attention over recent years in attempts to more equally balance and consider the economic, environmental and socio-cultural impacts of tourism. For example, research is exploring ways of capturing and monitoring the less tangible impacts of tourism activities particularly in cross-cultural contexts, such as the effects on local Aboriginal communities of tourists accessing Aboriginal lands without Traditional Owner permission. In this context, explore and critically examine arguments by tourism scholars who promote tourism as a means for promoting peace and cross-cultural understanding. Draw on examples from the literature and reflect on your stimulate experiences as a tourist to illustrate your arguments.Topic 6 support materials International Institute for Peace Through Tourism http// Alternative Tourism company http// Authors such as Freya Higgins-Desbiolles Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2010) In the eye of the beholder? Tourism and the activist academic. In P. Burns et al. (Eds.) Tourism and visual culture Vol 1 theories and concepts (pp. 98-106). Wallingford CABI. Higgi ns-Desbiolles, F. & Blanchard, L. (2010) thought-provoking peace through tourism Placing tourism in the context of human rights, justice & peace. In O. Moufakkir & I. Kelly (Eds.) Tourism Progress and Peace (pp. 35-47). Wallingford CABI. Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2009) International Solidarity Movement A case study in volunte

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